Apart from that, below I list some works I have done through the years, along with some explanations. When it applies, the name of the thing is written with bold letter.
- Summary on Philosophy of the Mind. Text written for the conclusion of the subject on Philosophy of the Mind in the TU Kaiserslautern. February 2016. Link.
- Deep Learning for Time Series Analysis. A review on the usage of Neural Networks (with a higher focus on using Deep Learning) to perform Classification, Modelling and Anomaly Detection on Time Series data. Written as part of the Seminar on Collaborative Intelligence in the TU Kaiserslautern. January 2016. Link.
- Security Techniques for Relay Attacks against Passive Keyless Entry & Start. Written as an exercise for the subject on Network Security in the TU Kaiserslautern. January 2016. Link.
- Summary of the paper Is Syntax Separated or Shared Between Languages? by Robert Hartsuiker, Martin Pickering and Eline Veltkamp. It was written for the conclusion of a subject on Linguistics and Language Processing in the TU Kaiserslautern. February 2015. Link.
- Discussion on the paper Recency Preference in the Human Sentence Processing Mechanism, by Edward Gibson, Neal Pearlmutter, Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez and Gregory Hickok. Written as part of the Seminar on Sentence Processing in the TU Kaiserslautern. January 2015. Link.